Lets Start at the Very Beginning. Its a Very Good Place to Start!

In order to understand this material in the blog, you really should scroll back to my first blog in April 2011. Then read the blogs moving forward in time to the most recent.

Monday, November 21, 2011

#16-Scratch That Idea.

Since I have no idea of who will in the future read this blog, I cannot limit it to only my direct line. Therefore, as each line of descent from James Sr. & Elizabeth Larue come into the discussion, I will share what I have on that complete line, except for living persons.

Some of you may not find this to your interest. But, I suggest that you read all of it, as the LaRue family moved West, they often kept contact with the family "back home". And often went "home" to visit or had family travel West for a visit.  There is just way to much great history here to ignore any of it.  And since my original plan when I began this family genealogy was to follow all the know descendants of James Sr. & Elizabeth as one part of the project, and to search for their ancestors as the other, it seems best that I report on each line. And with time and increased readership, who knows? we may even find other living descendants of this line.