The family and descendants of James LaRue, born 1758 in VA and migrated into Guernsey County, Ohio around 1806.
Lets Start at the Very Beginning. Its a Very Good Place to Start!
In order to understand this material in the blog, you really should scroll back to my first blog in April 2011. Then read the blogs moving forward in time to the most recent.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
#7-Leaving Comments.
I am trying to figure out how people can leave comments to this blog. I want to leave this so that anyone publically can read this. I do not want to open it up to anyone to comment, as that will encourage and allow unwanted spam etc. So, I think that I have this so that registered users can leave comments. But, without seeing what is showing up on someone elses computer I cannot be sure that I have set it up correctly. And therefore cannot help anyone on how they can register. Look at your own computer and give me some feedback. Give it a try. Leave or try to leave me a comment and if it does not work...oh well, back to the drawing board!