Lets Start at the Very Beginning. Its a Very Good Place to Start!

In order to understand this material in the blog, you really should scroll back to my first blog in April 2011. Then read the blogs moving forward in time to the most recent.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

#2-Welcome, all LaRue family and descendants.

While talking with a cousin at a recent family wedding, it was brought to my attention that not everyone was informed of our La Rue family history. They had either not received the previous printed materials at our last gathering in 1996ish OR had mislaid it. But, never fear, I have learned a lot since that time and am going to share it. While talking to this cousin, it got my mind buzzing about HOW was I going to share all of the information and still allow for the growth/addition of new information as I found it? While my previous attempts at blogging bogged down on me, I felt that this was the best way to share the information. Printing it was out of the question. It is just to voluminous. Sharing my research from my genealogy software program would not be readily decipherable to anyone except another genealogist. Not to mention the need to download the free program to individual computers. So, using Google and another of their many Free tools, I have created this blog. You can quickly access this at http://mylaruelinks.blogspot.com/ and enjoy.