As mentioned before, an earlier researcher/s have not credited Sarah LaRue Baker with any children. But, those earlier researchers have been wrong in other respects, so what about this one? Sarah married John Baker in 1823. She was 28 years old at her marriage. John Baker was born in 1788 so would have been about 35 years old at their marriage. Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that either of them could have been married prior to their marriage to each other. Therefore either of them, or both of them could have had children prior to their marriage to one another.
The 1820 census for the household of James Larue Sr. seems to have females in it, at least one of which would fit Sarah. Since she had not married John Baker by that time, it is concievable that she would be living in her father's household. Whether she were unmarried, or widowed. There is also an unknown male child in this household born between 1810 and 1820. This could be a child of James Sr. or of one of his children. And could also fit the male child that we find in the household of Sarah and John Baker in 1830. We have not found the census record in 1820 for John Baker at this point, so cannot make any conclusions on him for that time frame.
The 1830 Federal Census for Richland Township, Guernsey County, Ohio, finds Johns household with the adult female who would be Sarah, as the age fits. [Remember, that in early census records, only the head of the household is named. All other persons in that household are simply enumerated as males or females in certain age groups.] There is one male child aged, 10-15 years old, therefore born between 1815 and 1820. And there is one female child aged 5-10 years old, therefore born between 1820 and 1825. Could the female child be Sarah's. Or was she born before the 1823 marriage, and John was a new widower when he married Sarah? Was the male child born 1815-1820 Sarah's, born prior to her marriage to John or was it John's son, from a prior marriage. Or, since the 1830 census was taken after the death of Sarah's father, James Sr., is this Sarah's brother?
The 1840 Federal Census for the same area, was taken shortly before John Baker died in 1841. In his household, there is still the female of the correct age to be Sarah, but no female child who would at this date be aged 15 to 20 years old. There is a male 20-30 years old which fits with the male teenager from the previous census. There is an adult female 20-30 years old, most likely that male's wife. And a male child under 5 years old, so I am going to guess that this young couple living with Sarah and John had a male child. Who are they?
I need to check out probate records for John Baker, Sarah Larue Baker Brown and even James Larue Sr. or Elizabeth to see if I can track down these persons. I am going to propose here that these persons are NOT Sarah's children or James Sr., as they are not mentioned in the estate settlement of Sarah's brother Laban Larue in 1891, when he leaves to all his neices and nephews shares in his estate. But that is not enough evidence to make it convincing, so further research may really establish how these persons are related.